Some of the popular by products of the Cassava plant and starches.
Food products:
There are hydrocyanic glucosides (HCN) in all parts of the plant these glucosides are removed by peeling the roots and boiling in water. The young tender leaves are used as a potherb containing high levels of protein and vitamins C and A. The leaves are prepared in a similar manner as spinach while eliminating toxic compounds during the cooking process. Cassava flour is used to make cookies, quick breads, loaf breads, pancakes, doughnuts, dumplings, muffins, and bagels. Cassava extracted juice is fermented into a strong liquor called kasiri. It also can be concentrated and sweetened until it becomes dark viscous syrup called kasripo (casareep). This syrup has antiseptic properties and is used for flavouring. The peeled roots of the sweet variety are usually eaten cooked or baked.
Cassava leaves and stem meal are used for feeding dairy cattle. Both fresh and dried cassava roots are consumed by ruminants in different forms (chopped, sliced or ground). Cassava bushes three to four months old are harvested as forage for cattle and other ruminants. The wasted cassava peels and other plant stems and leaves are also used to produce animal and bird feed.
CAD introduces a cheap way to enhance farmer incomes by over 15% overall.. The Mobile Cassava Peel Processing Machine (MCPPM) processes fresh cassava peels through particle size reduction in three distinct stages that include:
(1) Grinding (2) Dewatering (3) Drying.
This drastically reduces cyanogenic glycosides with improved shelf life of up to six months. Local production of Milk, Meat and Egg is expected to rise from 30% to 65% due to availability of cost-effective cassava waste animal feed to farmers.
One clone with variegated leaves is planted as an ornamental.
Cassava starch is used in the production of paper, textiles and as monosodium glutamate (MSG) an important flavoring agent in Asian cooking. In Africa, cassava is used as partial substitution for wheat flour. In Sri Lanka it is a staple food for everyday bread making.